Random friends of safons

Created By: Safon

14 members

I plan to win

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Scoring: Standard

Allows late entries: No


Entry, Owner Score Champion
Stemp Picks, Stempler 345 Celtics View
Brandi’s Bracket , Brandi Rizika 270 Celtics View
Fuck Boston But Like It’s Happening , Corey 245 Celtics View
Andrews Bracket of Excellence, Andrew Freedman 240 Celtics View
Justin's Special Bracket, Justin G 240 Celtics View
Cole’s cool picks, Cole Tobias 215 Celtics View
Bondo’s Bracket, Rajonbondo55 210 Celtics View
Noah Safon is gonna win, Safon 200 Mavericks View
Keith safon, Keith Safon 195 Celtics View
Zach Fink, Zach Finkelstein 165 Nuggets View
Levy’s Bracket, Levy 130 Nuggets View
Dana’s bracket , Dana 125 Thunder View
Kevin Halpin, Kevin Halpin 110 Nuggets View
Jacobs winning bracket, Jacob Eckstein 85 Clippers View