Fantasy Squad

Created By: Saman Al-Rawee

8 members

Group closed. Find more groups.

Scoring: Standard

Allows late entries: No


Entry, Owner Score Champion
Shai Town, Saman Al-Rawee 220 Mavericks View
Fate of the universe on the line, the Martians have the death beam pointed at Earth, you better hit it, I WANT JOKIC!, Igor 180 Nuggets View
Bracket1, TebourgNation 170 Nuggets View
WebEmbiid, Abdi 165 Nuggets View
Vagee1, Vagee 155 Mavericks View
Bracket , Swan 150 Nuggets View
🐐, ArabianKnight47 135 Nuggets View
Abdo, Abdo 120 Thunder View