LeBracket Games 2024

Created By: Joseph Villarosa

19 members

$30 buy in (Venmo $ to @joseph-villarosa) 1st place - $420; 2nd place - $100; 3rd place - $50

Group closed. Find more groups.

Scoring: Standard

Allows late entries: Yes


Entry, Owner Score Champion
Full Metal Porzingis, Aaron Rosenthal 240 Celtics View
Haliburton Hallelujah , Joseph Villarosa 220 Celtics View
Dwight Powell, Brian 220 Mavericks View
Vincent Van Gabe, Brandon Baker 210 Mavericks View
EV, EV 210 Celtics View
No Dubs No Fun, Liam 205 Celtics View
LeGM LeCoach LeChamp, Edward Asuncion 180 Lakers View
Nw, NICHOLAS WILLETS 175 Nuggets View
phemingway, phemingway 170 Mavericks View
Blame My Mind Not My Heart, Xavier 165 Nuggets View
BBQ Chicken Ernehhh, Toots 165 Nuggets View
Project Dynasty, Austin Welch 160 Nuggets View
The Bandwagon Dragon, Sean Newell 155 Nuggets View
Cooper filled it out, Luke Freccero 140 Nuggets View
Donation to the pot , Joseph Villarosa 120 Lakers View
MPG, Michael Garrett 110 Nuggets View
K, Kiely 105 Lakers View
BBLebrun, BB 75 Lakers View
Education Thirst, Chadwick Kirst 75 Nuggets View