In Loving Memory of Anthony Mason

Created By: Henry Thayer

13 members

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Scoring: Standard

Allows late entries: Yes


Entry, Owner Score Champion
EV (2x champ), Eric V 235 Celtics View
NBA savant, Erin Thayer Oros, Erin Oros 225 Celtics View
Does anyone even play basketball in Maine?, Conor Taff 220 Celtics View
I’m in Maine, there’s no basketball, Bliv 195 Celtics View
Linzo Winzos, Lindsay Krasinski 175 Celtics View
Jalen Brunson, Will You Marry Me?, Henry Thayer 170 Nuggets View
Denver Is My Daddy, Kieran Valla 155 Nuggets View
Bronny's 2nd Heart Attack, Shea Kraniski 140 Lakers View
Draymond’s Flagrant 2’s, Will Goodman 140 Nuggets View
Go New York, Go New York, Go, Brad 125 Knicks View
Stinky Little Butt Farts, Sean Krasinski 105 Knicks View
I suck, Ben 100 Knicks View
Brunson Burner One of a Kind Ace of Spade Red Carpet Superstars , Mike Thayer 95 Knicks View