Created By: Osaru

10 members

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Scoring: Standard

Allows late entries: Yes


Entry, Owner Score Champion
Wongsanity, Wongsanity 285 Celtics View
Dziobas Playoff Answer Key, Dzioba 275 Celtics View
Osaru's Winning Bracket, Osaru 155 Nuggets View
If Jimmy didn’t sprain his knee the heat would be in the conference finals for the 4th time in the last 5 years, Matt 130 Nuggets View
James, jammang 125 Nuggets View
Otto, Otto 125 Clippers View
AdamP, AdamP 115 Lakers View
KD's hairline, easymoneysniper 115 Nuggets View
Fava, Fava 110 Nuggets View
Peter’s Bracket, Peter 105 Nuggets View