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2023 NBA Playoffs Predictions

Created By: Leroy

10 members

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Scoring: Standard

Allows late entries: Yes


Entry, Owner Score Champion
3men2, Alberto I. Almodóvar 155 Lakers View
Rod’s Picks, Roderick Chanchico 125 Lakers View
Coquiduros Pa' Tí , Crs Crz 120 Bucks View
Los Rompebicicleta, iMag 120 Bucks View
Christian Romero, Christian Romero 115 Bucks View
Kings Champs 👑, Alexander Diaz-Lopez 100 Kings View
Giannis 🦌🏆 👑 , Christian Paul 90 Bucks View
Los Bacalaos, Omar Rios 85 Bucks View
The Valley Cake, Ricardo 75 Suns View
iNature (Liga mas HP 2023 champ🏆), Leroy 70 Bucks View