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Created By: Game 84

9 members

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Scoring: Standard

Allows late entries: Yes


Entry, Owner Score Champion
Omer1, Lakers all the way 115 Celtics View
Better call Paul (George), Ron Nadler 95 Celtics View
Redemption bracket(b2b?), Nadav 95 Celtics View
sandler lo yode ma who ose, russell_westbrook_gay 90 Bucks View
Go Boston 🍀, Ohad🌯 85 Celtics View
GO Pistons🔨, gal 85 Suns View
Nets(are out) in 4, Game 84 80 Bucks View
PhoenixIn4, Peleg4206 75 Celtics View
Baddiez be gone, Baddiez be gone (Boston till death🍀) 75 Celtics View