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Year of the Victor

Created By: aaron3hirsch

23 members


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Scoring: Standard

Allows late entries: No


Entry, Owner Score Champion
Sunshine, Brian H. 245 Nuggets View
The Jokés on You, Brendan Doherty 240 Nuggets View
AP’s Bracket, wpayton34 140 Celtics View
Perfect Bracket, woktavec1 125 Suns View
Dr Bissell’s Boonda, Dr Busty 115 Celtics View
Dr. Deuce, drew bissell 105 Celtics View
One of my teams will win, philip 100 Bucks View
Ja-Raffe, Devin 95 Bucks View
Danny Wersching, Danny Wersching 95 Bucks View
I luv the bucks , calvin_spiz 95 Bucks View
Dorture Chamber, jakedowning 95 Bucks View
Noah Smith, Noah Smith 95 Suns View
Wob, WorldWideWob 90 Suns View
Poole Party, aaron3hirsch 85 Bucks View
Santiago Del Pozzo, Santiago Del Pozzo 85 Bucks View
The Celtics are the balls, Adam Barre 85 Celtics View
Moodys pix, Moody🏝 80 Suns View
Steven…., Steveb 80 Bucks View
The Numbers, NBA University 75 Bucks View
Money, Ebron 75 Celtics View
God i want this to happen so bad please lord give harden a ring, Hardens meat 55 76ers View
James Harden’s Muffintop, mptk 50 76ers View
easymoneysniper, Vivek 50 Suns View