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Mador 2024

Created By: Yoav Miron

9 members

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Scoring: Standard

Allows late entries: Yes


Entry, Owner Score Champion
Roee, Roeeg 270 Celtics View
the Celtics revenge , Pinky 270 Celtics View
guytros-nba, guytros 225 Celtics View
Magic, zohigher 220 Mavericks View
Alalufffff, Yuval Alaluf 210 Celtics View
Ronchuk 2 minutes, Roni Varshavsky 195 Celtics View
bental, Kas 180 Nuggets View
Joav, Yoav Miron 140 Nuggets View
Liron, Liron 95 Nuggets View